Sales Pipeline Automation

Marketing Enhancer

Gain insights from website and extract leads from email marketing campaigns

Most companies invest significantly in creating professional websites and keeping them updated. Important product and service information is offered on websites to serve as hooks to get online enquiries. Marketing Teams invest regularly on email marketing campaigns to generate leads. But these efforts remain ineffective or hardly helpful in streamlining the process of lead generation and conversion. They have no easy way of knowing what is working and what could be a better focus for marketing. They do not get the much needed information to shape action plans and insights to deploy marketing assets more effectively. 

This is where LogiKlu Marketing Enhancer can make a big difference.

No Statistical overkill. Just meaningful, actionable marketing and sales intelligence to help in identifying B2B prospects, understanding areas of specific interest and collecting actionable insights to pursue opportunities. Stop drowning in endless reports! LogiKlu highlights where you need to focus and act upon without getting lost in data tables.

With LogiKlu, your mass mail campaigns become an effective lead generation system. Leads from mass mail can be added directly to LogiKlu CRM for further pursuance of business.

Extraction of Leads from Mail Campaign

  • Identify leads from your Mailchimp campaigns
  • Track website visitors from your email campaigns
  • Understand areas of interest and levels of interest of your leads
  • Gain insights for your next sales pitch to them
  • Automate lead delivery to LogiKlu CRM for a streamlined sales process
  • Optimize your marketing strategy with data-driven decisions.

Marketing Asset Utilization

  • Equip your marketing team with insights on digital asset utilization.
  • Access utilization data for brochures, product literature, video, and downloadable software.
  • Understand product demand through digital asset utilization analysis
  • Guide resource planning based on insights from digital asset utilization analysis
  • Optimize your marketing strategy with data-driven decisions.

Product Demand Analytics

  • Develop a better appreciation of the demand for your products and services
  • View website visitor interest in products according to product hierarchy
  • Gain insights into the geographical demand for individual products or services
  • Automate a product-based lead list for your marketing team
  • Optimize your marketing strategy with data-driven decisions.

Gather more intelligence on Form submitters

  • Review information collected from built-in website forms
  • Check the journey analytics to get a better idea of the evolution of your leads' interest
  • Create a sales pitch tailored to their interests
  • Optimize your sales strategy with data-driven decisions.

Traffic Acquisition Reports

  • See if your LinkedIn campaigns and posts, as well as email campaigns, are driving traffic to your website
  • Understand the returns on your investments in these marketing programs
  • Make better decisions with a distribution of traffic acquisition from these campaigns
  • Optimize your marketing strategy with data-driven decisions.

Visitor Analytics

website traffic by industry

  • Use this data to understand demand for your products across industries
  • Analyze the success of your advertising campaigns aimed at certain industries and market sectors
  • Focus product feature development to cater to target industries
  • Make data-driven product marketing decisions
  • Optimize your marketing strategy with LogiKlu's industry traffic data.

Geographical Traffic Analytics

  • See how your target audience from different geographical markets are visiting your website
  • Plan your marketing outreach programs in different geographies
  • Build your product/service marketing and sales strategy
  • Optimize your marketing strategy with data-driven decisions based on geographic traffic analysis.

Traffic Flow to website

  • See the ebb and flow of traffic to your website
  • Understand how your marketing actions and outreach programs contribute to website traffic
  • Analyze typical traffic trends during the week Identify event-driven traffic surges or spikes
  • Gain insights into whether your marketing efforts are contributing to increased website traffic
  • Make data-driven decisions for your marketing outreach
  • Optimize your marketing strategy with traffic data-driven insights.

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