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Website Lead Qualification Requires Comprehensive Appraisal of Interest

Websites depict product and services on the website to provide information and harvest leads. There are many tools available to identify the companies visiting a website. However, the task of screening and qualifying these companies as real leads require in-depth analysis of both expressed interest and implied interest. Many dots need to be connected to be able to determine underlying intent. Effective lead qualification requires actual experience in marketing and sales to understand what actions on the website constitute deeper interest instead of casual curiosity and how such calculation could be utilized to screen leads. 

It is important to note various levels of interest - high, medium and low. It is equally critical to recognize patterns of interest. It is also imperative that we look at the data over a period of time to understand the significance of activities, wherever applicable. Many actions taken by a visiting company over several visits may reflect certain trends to indicate the veracity of the customer’s interest.

While determining interest and intent are crucial, determination of general interest by the visiting Company may not be as useful in terms of sales intelligence. We know that general interest could also be expressed by other types of visitors – an investor, a peer, a journalist, etc. and not necessarily prospective buyer. So it is imperative that the lead generation tool be able to report leads categorized by individual product or service, wherever applicable. But when a Company shows continued interest on a certain product or service on your website, that’s what your sales team would like to know, right?

When a sales team has initiated the sales cycle with a prospective customer, it may be crucial to track the visits of the target company and understand their areas of interest. So the ability of the lead generation tool to track specific companies and alert sales team about their visits is also a very useful feature.

So in short, the comprehensiveness of the behavioral analytics of visitors determines how well it can screen visitors and qualify leads. This is why selecting the right Marketing and Sales Intelligence tool is very important. While there may be many tools available to identify visiting companies and even seek out leads, those that are created by people with wealth of expertise in marketing and sales will be more effective and practical. 

  • Subrata Chatterji
  • May 17, 2021

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